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Paddy Power

Paddy Power: An Overview of a Sportsbook Powerhouse on a Roll

Sports are addictive for several reasons, like the thrill of scoring on a reputable opponent. There are many aspects of sports that make them a special experience for those who love the games. But perhaps the most exciting thing about sports is you get to weigh in a bit, and put your money where your mouth is. Friendly bets elevate the experience two-fold and who would not want to feel more excited about their favorite team. This is the reason that Power Paddy has become the go to sportsbook.

Paddy Power: Understanding This Sportsbook

Paddy Power is Ireland’s most known bookmaker. Perhaps it is their innovation and security that attracts sports-lovers that have made it the sportsbook to trust in all of Ireland. Paddy Power has physical retail outlets all over the country (and Great Britain) and a strong online presence to ensure that everyone gets a shot at winning some cash.

The online platform offers the ability to bet from a mobile phone, tablet, or just a regular laptop. These bets are open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

Paddy Power was actually birthed from three successful bookmakers back in 1988. The three bookmakers were tired of the way that other bookmakers treated the customer-base. Paddy Power was almost formed as a complete rejection of the way a bookmaker would interact with betters. The point was to create a service that would aim for total fairness and transparency. It was this model that propelled Paddy Power to a level of success that was simply unprecedented.

This is the spirit that they took into the online world, making them the third largest bookmaker on the Internet.

Paddy Power offers e-sports games for those who simply cannot get enough sports to bet on as well. The famed bookmaker also offers live or in-play betting for those who are watching the game live. Many gamblers love this offer because it allows them to feel the excitement grow as the game progresses. The live or in-play bet-takers are personable and ready to answer any question before or after placing the bet, which is another perk that is hard to find with other online sportsbook entities.

The sportsbook uses all kinds of technologies to bring the best experience to online betters that visit the site. They do this by employing some of the leaders in gaming software like Bettorlogic or Cayetano Gaming. Both of these softwares have been at the top of the gaming software industry. This is probably due to their commitment to exciting gaming. Paddy Power also uses IGT Interactive, Inspired Gaming and Playtech. These three gaming softwares are well-known leaders that have been in the forefront of gaming innovation, making it easier for betters to play without much delay. Delay is one of the issues that online gamblers really hate. And it is usually due to software that is simply not up to par.

Other software used by Paddy power include Poker Royalty and Proprietary, which are all licensed in Isle of Man. The site itself is owned by Paddy Power plc.

How Are Gamers Treated by Paddy Power?

Paddy Power is definitely a sportsbook entity that really understands what people want from them and gives them just that. Their marketing skills have actually been featured on CNN, The New York Times and the BBC as they have been like no other.

But all the accolades regarding their marketing skills would seem a little misplaced to the team behind Paddy Power because all they want to do is to be fair and good to their customers.

One example of the way that Paddy Power conducts themselves with customers is the Money-Back Special that is offered to betters. The special allows betters to get a little cash-back when placing a bet at Paddy Power. The bookmakers have even decided to make drastic announcements to keep betters happy like the ‘Barcelona to win in 90 minutes’ initiative. It was the kind of bet that was almost a sure bet, which many of their gamers decided to take. This meant that Paddy Power actually had to pay out around 3,000,000 pounds to a lot of their betters. The bookmakers definitely took a loss with this bet, but they wanted to show their customers what they can expect from them.

The truth is that tactics such as the one just mentioned have gathered more and more subscribers and betters who are simply looking for a home that they can trust. Paddy Power has definitely become that home. In fact, as if those initiatives were not enough, Paddy Power also introduced Justice Payouts. This initiative promises gamers that if certain rules are ignored during the game that cost the entire game, then Paddy Power refunds gamblers who were affected by the bad call.

Gamers who have just got wind of Paddy Power also get some great bonuses for just giving them an opportunity to impress them. The first way they try to appease new players is by offering a great bonus. Betters that open a new account at Paddy Power Sports, and place a 10 pounds bet or more, get three additional 10 pound bets at no extra charge.

The idea behind this bonus is to entice those new gamblers to see just how effective Paddy Power is in taking in their bets and truly giving them a fair chance at winning. Paddy Power thinks that new gamblers will know just how great their online establishment really is with their first experience. But the point is to really convince them, so giving them 3 other chances to win seemed reasonable to the team behind Paddy Power.

The sportsbook site is also counting on the fact that not many other sportsbook sites take time to truly offer quality service to their gamers. That is really the difference between Paddy Power and other sportsbook sites–the fact that Paddy Power values their patrons while other sites do not. Players can expect active communication channels to solve any issue or to have any question clarified for them. This means that you can find an expert agent with any of their venues of communication that includes email or a free phone call. The phone call is really free because the people behind Paddy Power decided that you do not need to pay for it, so they take care of that bill. The people behind this bookmaker team think that it is not up to the gambler to pay just to talk to a representative. The team behind the online bookmakers actually want to talk to their loyal customers.

And, in this day and age, there is also a live chat option that should make it easier to solve an issue since the wait is usually a few seconds to a few minutes.

Gamers also have full access to betting history, just to make sure that they are staying within range. Gamers also get to set limits if they feel like the heat of the game might make them forget that they are on a budget. Paddy Power does not want people to bet irresponsibly but rather just have a little fun and win.

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