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Now Indians can Make Ball by Ball Social Bets on Cricket Matches

Play Games 24 X 7 just announced the launch of their latest app from their subsidiary Ultimate Games, a social app for betting on cricket games. It’s especially timely with the Indian Premium League season starting.

Play Games 24 X 7 has been developing online games since 2006. Their first was Rummy Circle. With Ultimate Bet-Cricket, a game that’s social because it allows for friendly competition between friends, friends can experience the thrill of betting on cricket in real-time. It’s free to play, and available from the Google Play store. The app connects friends who are also watching the cricket game, live or on television. They can chat together while making friendly bets, deciding who is the best judge of the game. The app keeps track of the game’s score.

Play Games 24 X 7’s Rummy Circle is the most popular rummy website. It has over 3.2 million registered users. They constantly innovate to offer players the best online rummy experience. It’s the only one optimized using HTML 5.

The most popular version of the game in India is 13-card points with multiplayer tables, and Rummy Circle was the first site to offer that. Later, they noticed 21-card points games were becoming popular among rummy players, so they introduced the first 21-card points games online. Creating the user interface for that version of the game was one of their most challenging accomplishments.

Rummy Circle came up with their own deals rummy format. That variant was designed for players who enjoy fast games and a challenge against an opponent one-on-one. The entire rummy field adopted the new variation, and it’s now popular online as well.

Their Ultimate Rummy app is one of the best free-to-play rummy apps available. Play Games 24 X 7 launched it in June 2015. It offers the card interactions that have the richest features.

As the teams play cricket, Ultimate Bet Cricket owners can bet on each ball. When they win they earn virtual chips. Soon the company will introduce the ability to make bets per over and to bet per match. They’re also connected to their friends through Facebook and WhatsApp, earning more chips in return for inviting others to play. In addition, they can compete in five over betting tournaments.

Play Games 24 X 7 established Ultimate Games in 2015 in Bengaluru. Their goal is to introduce freemium mobile apps that are popular in social casino media.

Ultimate Teen Patti, launched February 205, was Ultimate Games’s first offering. By November it was highest grossing game in Google Play India under the Casino category. It was the 4th most popular Android app in India. It’s been downloaded over two million times.

Ultimate Bet-Cricket has been downloaded 50,000 times in the pilot stage. It’s popular in all areas of India, and especially with adults from 25-35 years old.

Call It Right is a new game. Players take tricks, such as in Hearts and Spades, and make bets as though playing poker.

All the Ultimate Games apps offer a super playing experience, have content in many languages and are all available from Google Play India.

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